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Изменено (Makgadigadi): 8/21/2015 3:13:21 PM

The Leonids (PS4 clan) are looking for lionesses, we need some female power!

Hello to everyone out there, and thanks for showing enough interest to click this thread! We are the Leonids, a clan of fierce and vicious lions that are constantly on the hunt. Usually, we are on the hunt for Fallen, Hive, Cabal and Vex, but today however, we are on the hunt for lionesses. Yes, we need more females in our pride. So, why even join our pride, you ask yourself. Well, our pride is unique in that we are an omni-friendly (we say no to no-one given that you’re older than 20 years) pride and today we have lions and lionesses of any disposition (LGBT and heterosexual), AND, on top of that, we try to impose an equal ratio between lions and lionesses. At the moment, we’re a bit short on lionesses and we are eager to accept more females. Our goal is to promote equality and diversity in gaming. We have both veteran and beginner lions, and we’re interested in every proficiency. We consider ourselves a family and help each other out. We're an active pride. Come and join us oh fierce lioness! Happy hunting The Leonids

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