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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Dbread): 9/1/2015 7:04:47 AM

What is REALLY happening to Nightfalls... They aren't being paywalled, here's why

Nightfalls are not being stuck back behind a Taken King paywall, contrary to popular belief. Neither are the Weekly and Daily. Let's take a look back to the original Weekly Update quote [quote]Did we mention that you’ll need to confront the immediate threat first? Oryx lies between you and these challenges. You'll need to survive his wrath to partake in the new endgame.[/quote] From here, it looks like Nightfalls will be locked behind Taken King. But one word changes that. [quote]You'll need to survive his wrath to take part in the new endgame.[/quote] [quote]new endgame[/quote] [quote]NEW[/quote] Now, we all know the Nightfalls are not new. This means that they will not be locked. The stuff that will are: King's Fall Weekly Crucible Bounties Court of Oryx Nightfalls that feature a Taken King strike. Your old raids and nightfalls are safe. Rejoice Guardians. EDIT: People keep trying to say that because the Nightfall is updated, it is new. So here is this. When you install an update to Destiny, is it now a completely new game? No, it was just changed in some ways. Same applies here.

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