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9/6/2015 6:59:04 PM

[Xbox One] [Recruiting] Kings Downfall

Welcome to [b]Kings Downfall[/b]. This clan is open to anyone who wants to join. We mainly do Endgame activities, but won't shy away from helping you level up or doing other low level activities. We strive to help each other, so we can become Legend. Together. [i][b]Admins[/b][/i] We have 4 admins that are always willing to help you most hours of the day. Our names are: [b]NanoDefiant[/b] [b]TypicalChaos99[/b] [b]PeaceKeeper4000[/b] [b]Tmad302[/b] Please don't refer to us as Admins, but as your friends and allies. [i][b]Weekly Updates[/b][/i] Every Tuesday, I will post a weekly update stating what has happened in the Destiny world, as well as what is going on within our own clan. This is to ensure that you know what is going on constantly. Like a wise man once said, [i]"Know your game like you know yourself, and you will always succeed."[/i] [b]Final Note[/b] We would love it if you join our clan. We are active, and will always be willing to help. You guys are the foundation of the clan, and I know we can become Legend together. Thanks for helping us form this clan. ~Nano

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