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9/7/2015 8:46:29 AM

What is your favorite ship?

Hey all. It's been a while since I've posted something, and I'm pretty damn bored, so I've got a question for all of you! What is your favorite ship from Star Wars? In case it's hard to choose just one let's do it like this: Favorite Rebel Ship - Favorite Imperial Ship - If you want you can even tell us your favorite ship from the prequels and whatever else you'd like to include! Also, if you feel like it, try to guess mine! First person to guess correctly will be the first person to guess correctly! Quite the title if I do say so myself! As an added bonus topic, feel free to discuss Force Friday! Did ya get anything cool? If so what? Did anyone get the Shpero BB-8? If so you get the pleasure of me being jealous! You lucky duck you! Although, I got something pretty awesome myself! Anyways, I'm getting off topic in my own topic! Let the discussion begin!

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