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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Hugebones318): 9/14/2015 12:54:03 AM

Is this cyber bullying?

So my "friend" voice messages me over Xbox today saying "F you. F you. I don't like you, _________ doesn't like you, _______ doesn't like you l, and __________ doesn't like you. Get off my back." I replied "I wasn't talking to you, this was completely unnecessary." He then blocks me, because he is fgt. Is him saying nobody likes my cyber bullying? Btw I put ________ because I'm not putting their GTs for obvious reasons. EDIT: Ok so some people have been asking me what happened before this. Basically he wanted to do Crota to try and get a crux, but I had already done it, and got a NLB and Word. So he invited someone else told them to get other people, and me to get other people, but I had already been playing Rift with some other friends, so I left, and then he messaged me not to talk to him, and I apologized, and invited him to party/game. He was still mad the next day. It's been a week.
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