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Изменено (WickedWahine808): 9/16/2015 9:38:50 AM

Destiny The Taken King Original Soundtrack worth more than a billion emotes, a real steal!

Half way through Disc 1, lossless, Bose speakers, 10PM, volume cranked up (sorry neighbors, please enjoy) and all I want to say is thank you. $14.99 is a steal for this. I wish the same attention and care had been shown for the Volume I soundtrack. Unlike the game itself, it was perfect in its original form. Politely requesting a release of Music of the Spheres. Fans are not privy of your internal affairs and regardless of the reasons why Marty O'Donnell's talent will not be spent at Bungie anymore, you should pay tribute to the man who scored all your games to perfection by releasing it in an uncut version. It is a masterpiece and its influences can be heard everywhere in the subsequent soundtrack. Why keep a masterpiece in your basement? I heard the master is ready to be uploaded to iTunes. Lossless? Please? #NeverForgetMotS [spoiler]$14.99 soundtrack and days, weeks, years of listening with the same joy and anticipation > $20 to dance like MC Hammer[/spoiler] Edit: After listening to the whole soundtrack, honestly all my favorites have Marty O'Donnell written all over them. Sad this talent collaboration is no more, really sad :(

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