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Изменено (Legend To None): 9/19/2015 9:58:15 AM

Family Matters:Music

I'm sure many people can relate to me here. There was a long time in my life where I didn't know what genre of music I liked. Growing up I only heard what my parents, sisters, or what the radio had to play. I was surrounded by shit all my life. It was just hip-hop, country, and your occasional gay rock songs that became popular. People would ask me if I listened to music and I honestly told them "I don't listen to music really." Then the reason why was that I simply just didn't like the music. Now after so many years I found what music I like and found my favorite songs. Now when I play my music around my family they don't like my music -_- go figure. I had to deal with their shit my whole life and they can't handle it for 10 minutes...

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