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Изменено (XxPRO_DROPZxX): 9/20/2015 12:11:18 AM

Destiny (not able to play because of new update)

So I have had a frustrating couple of weeks trying to get my favorite game to work. On the day before the 2.0 update I realized I was going to need a new hardrive to play the dlc I had pre ordered for $40.00 (on my originaly 20gb ps3). I tried to reach out to you guys at bungie because you mentioned help to possible get a free hardrive but I could not get a response from either you or the Activision cares email you provided. So I said screw it I'll just buy the damn thing myself. I bought a 160 GB one on eBay for $30.00 and it took 14 days to arrive on a 2 day shipping order I payed for which was a whole other process I had to deal with. After I installed the new hardrive I tried to install destiny , but of course it didn't work. Its stuck on the "Transferring game content" screen because every time it gets to 100% it restarts. I'm fairly certain that I have damaged data on my disk that I didn't need anymore because I had previously installed the game but now that I have to reinstall it won't work. I don't want to spend another $ 60.00 on a new copy just to play dlc I already payed for on a game I already own. Can't you give me a code for a digital copy or at least refund me for TTK. At this point I have investors in the original copy ,the expansion pass, ttk, and a new hardrive. Is there anything at all you can do to help me ?

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