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9/18/2015 6:13:39 AM

Bungie support unacceptable answers..Shaders missing, help plz

Once again Dear Bungie support,, I never received my CE Items. This according to you is my own fault. I started destiny for the very first time just to see how the game looked.(no time to play at the time). Later I re-rolled 2 of my characters to make them look how i wanted them to look. (off course i checked they had 0 items in inventory) At this time i didn't know anything about postmasters and that sort of stuff. Now your answer is that if a character is deleted before picking items up from postmaster class packages are gone. Even after 2 seconds. Luckily some stuff is at the kiosks, but the shaders are nowhere to be found for my titan and hunter. Please help me as this is PAID content. 20Euro content. You really cannot say 'Hi there fool you deleted your real money content, have a nice day...' I ask you, please find a way to resend the items or at the very least make the shaders available in the collection kiosk. I know a lot of ppl are in this exact situation. Thank you.

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