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9/28/2015 5:44:41 AM

Remnants of Darkness Quest

I am very ignorant when it comes to what you guys do so I apologize in advance if my terminology is not correct. First of all Destiny is the GREATEST game I have ever played! I haven't had it all that long, I bought the bundle about 4 months before you all released Taken King and I have played it everyday sense. The Destiny Team is Amazing!!! Thank you for putting out an awesome product for me to relax to. To my point, there is probably a way for you to look and see but in the quest I have in the subject line I have run 25 Patrols on Venus just today and have not received any eliminate the target Patrols. It makes it hard to complete this quest. Venus is the only outstanding part of that quest I have on a couple of my characters. I don't know if this is an issue for anyone else or just me but I am hoping for some advice? Thank You Scott - A.K.A. Jaggerboy1

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