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Изменено (ThrownMexican): 10/1/2015 2:33:13 PM

Trouble in Treyarch-Town (Fake Terrorist Reports)

I love Black Ops, others love Black Ops. And let's be honest, the marketing they are doing is AMAZING. I've seen no marketing like this ever before. It's just so awesome to see something different. But they might of taken it a little to far. The other day they changed their twitter name from Call of Duty, to a believable news name. And they started reporting fake terrorist reports in Singapore! Most people knew that it was fake and took it as a joke, but a large amount of people thought it was real! They were tweeting about how there were bombs and police riots and all sort of stuff! It was insane! Now imagine, what if they did this in, New York City? It would be crazy! People would think that where was a huge explosion and a terrorist attack was happening! Marketing in new ways is good, but making fake terrorist reports is not good business. What's your stance on this? Happy Raiding! - Join the official The Weekly Raid group and have a chat - Thanks to Nero (Neros Cinema) for the idea! Go check his YouTube out! -Happy Raiding! :D
#Gaming #Cod #twr

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