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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (AAG Vanitas): 10/6/2015 10:26:52 AM

Do you think Micro-transactions will be the start Bungi-vision ruining the game?

I agree with micro-transactions and it will not ruin the game in the future.


I disagree with micro-transactions and it will ruin the game in the future.


Sign here or vote if you think this will ruin this game. On October 13, 2015, Tess will finally return. Not with special orders, but with [b]Micro-transactions.[/b] Some believe this isn't so bad because it's [b]cosmetic.[/b] But once you start, it's gonna get worse. There will be a new type of in-game currency called [b]Silver.[/b] This will be used to buy emotes, be we know they aren't gonna stop there. If you agree, sign here and maybe Bungi-vision will actually acknowledge the communities request for [b]NO[/b] micro transactions. EDIT: Not saying I wouldn't buy one or maybe a good amount, but the fact that it could go beyond cosmetics that's all. We just need to keep on our toes. We need to keep Bungie in line so they won't try [u][b]EXOTIC BUNDLES[/b][/u]. LOL. EDIT: Well I hope enough people buy emotes for the free story content lol.

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