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10/10/2015 5:22:28 PM

Engrams Decoding Into Duplicates

I'm having a problem with exotic gauntlet engrams. I bought 4 exotic gauntlet engrams (76 strange coins!) on 10-9-15 hoping to get the warlock sunbreaker gauntlets. Unfortunately I did not. Instead I got 4 of the same gaunlets, the claws of ahamkara. Yes you heard me correctly. 4 exotic engrams, 4 claws of ahamkara. All I wanted was the sunbreakers. I would like a refund. Obviously I am very disappointed and angry. It took me a long time to get all those strange coins. How is this even possible? I'm not the only one either. Check out [url=]this article.[/url] I'm worried about buying another engram. If you have had a similar experience please post it below so bungie will recognize this is a problem and hopefully fix it soon.

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