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Изменено (PeAkOfDiAmOnDz): 10/13/2015 11:16:20 PM

No GameSharing- There is no Destiny: The Taken King gamesharing between same console profiles. We have been cheated.

So i downloaded the Taken King not to long ago. At first i thought it was way better than i imagined, and was improving. My brother then tried to play it on his profile on the same console and BOOM! He can't play it! Bungie asked him to buy the game again, along with every other profile. In every game I have played, if you download a game on one profile, every other profile has access to it. Bungie has cheated me and all buyers of the DLC out of whats rightfully ours: Gamesharing between same console profiles. I feel cheated and am extremely disappointed in Bungie and how low they'd go just to get an extra couple of bucks.

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