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Изменено (ThrownMexican): 10/22/2015 2:32:51 AM

Activision, stop being greedy TWR

Activision, destiny sold like crazy, you have black ops 3 coming out November 6th. YOU DONT NEED MICROTRANSACTIONS. People already didn't like the game that much, and in the future you make destiny have even more micro transactions, all the people that play your game now, won't want to play it! It's getting to the point where I do wonder. Is the money your gonna make from this really worth the bad press your gonna get? I think not! You might get a small bonus in your income, but the game came out in 2014, it's a year old game! Those could grand your gonna get might be the only income you get! A couple grand for bad press? Dang activision. - Join the official TWR group! - Happy Raiding!
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