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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (EpiL0N): 10/27/2015 12:44:45 AM

The Vessel of Oryx has found how to best us...

The Vessel is learning! ------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][i]Edit[/i][/b]: For some responses, and misinformation. 1. We didn't do the pillar strategy, ran a double blessing strat. 2. We were running with three 307's, so sometimes dps wasn't strong/fast enough to clear everything, hence why the Vessel was alive. 3. We did however eventually beat him, the group was good. [b][i]Edit 2:[/i][/b] Replaced pillar "cheese" with pillar "strategy", I don't care what you call it, I'm not out to to debate that. Someone posted earlier that the wipe was karma for cheesing, which is why I said we didn't pillar cheese. It was literally a response to a single individual. I'm just trying to share a fun clip, lol.

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