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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/27/2015 3:32:04 PM

Peitition for NHL-style Cellys to be emotes

We've all done it. We had the insane kill, the first Raid clear, the impossible grenade throw, etc. Whatever it may be, we've all done something that feels like it deserves more than a simple dance, wave, point, or sit. We've done something that makes us want to put our gun down and go "Hot hot hot" over it, like Ovi's 50 goal celly. Or maybe, you want to do Patty Kane's Heartbreaker. Perhaps even Williams' Ride the stick (Or in our case, gun). Maybe you want to take a page out of Selanne's book and go skeet shooting with a piece of gear. Or even the now common the crazy running man, stick bow and arrow, or sweep the ice (ground). Point is, NHL/Hockey style cellys should be a thing in this game, and I'd be more than happy to even drop some Silver for a few of the sweeter ones, if that's what it came down to. Swinging a bat and the "Safe" emote should not be our only sporting related content here, and they'd be rather well used. The text would read "X Cellys with (or Celebrates with) Y" for doing them with another, or "X Cellys/Celebrates" if not targeting another player. Sign below if you agree.

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