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Изменено (AV8er): 11/5/2015 9:37:49 AM


Looking for a Kings Fall Hard mode team? Don't want to wait around? Here's your thread! My gamer tag is [b]GT example:[/b] KSI AV8ers 7 [b]Class example:[/b] 314 titan × 3 Remember when recruiting, please post your checkpoint! This well help all of us get smoother transitions into starting the raid quicker! [b]Checkpoints[/b] -fresh -totems -war priest -golgoroth -daughters -oryx I have 3 titans that I like to run hard mode on and after I do my 3 main runs I'll help other people out with learning oryx strategies. I have 3 titans 314 light level 316 touch of malice 316 black spindle Post here to find a hard mode group

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