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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Yoder023): 11/4/2015 3:34:12 AM

Should i quit?

This is an honest question. Should I quit? It [b]was[/b] fun, not now. Struggling to find time, and now with -blam!-in daily Exotics, I'm going to be left in the dust. No time for Raids either. Iron Banner let me keep up, now its a joke. Already am missing Necrochasm, Dreg's Promise, and Lord of Wolves. Gonna just add Black Spindle to the list (cuz once again it's on when I move for work & have no internet). I like playing, but I know in reality, I won't keep up. I can't. Working 12 hours everyday kills the time required to do nearly anything. Is it time to permanently holster my weapon? Edit - Thanks to all for commenting. U thing I'll take a break for about 2 weeks. Then I'll come back & see
#Destiny #notime

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