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Изменено (zaephirian): 11/6/2015 1:54:48 AM

Glimmer acquisition nerf!?

[i]Edit: TL;DR at the bottom.[/i] With the new update, weapon parts will (likely) be sold for glimmer, [i]but what I fear is that glimmer would be harder to get.[/i] Marks became more important for infusion and buying stuff - marks became harder to get. Weapon parts became more important in reforging (HoW), and infusion - weapon parts drop rates were nerfed. Heavy ammo became a source of faction rep - Xur increased the price for them. Xur got new items and exotic shards became necessary for infusion and later reforging - Strange coins became harder to get. See a tendency? [b]TL;DR / conclusion Whenever a resource becomes more useful, they make it harder for us to get.[/b]

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