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11/17/2015 2:03:56 AM

Trials is still broken

If you read the article in the link, it will say that Bungie says they are taking steps to fix the lag issue. Which is great and all, except that this has been going on since Trials, and even Iron Banner first became available. Even though we've been complaining about this, above all other things. To hell with the raid issues, to hell with drop rates in story mode. All we've ever asked is for some goddamn support when it comes to PVP. Out of all that money that the game has brought you, we still have to play Crucible on the shittiest servers known to man. Buy a dedicated server for PVP. That way, you wouldn't have assholes like me complaining about stuff that is very easily fixed. -blam!-, I'll fly out to Washington and do it for you. And I know I'm not the first one to bring this up, but it's quite obvious that no one has been listening. It's taken months for Bungie to even remotely address the issue. And I get it, I really and truly do. Taken King probably took every last person available in order to make the launch date a reality. I also get that Bungie had helped Activision with BO3. Got it, but the issue is that you are supposed to take care of issues in your own backyard before you take care of your neighbors. I love this game, but my faith in the success of this game is dying faster than support for ISIS. And let's be honest, they are really sucking shit right now. But there isn't enough main game content to keep a player engaged and wanting more. We all know that a lot of really cool shit was cut from the game, like Old Chicago, Europa, etc... So why not bring those back in? If it's because the substandard systems can't handle it, then tell us. Stop leaving us in the dark. we invested a lot of money into this game, we deserve to know the status of it. And some of us day one players invested a lot more money into it. Give us something instead of ignoring us because you think it's more important to update twitter. We need answers as to what is going on in the game and why there is stuff missing. The game itself is awesome, I love the mechanics, and the fact that sometimes a glitch can lead to a very gutwrenching laugh session. For instance, just a little while ago, I went to get some special ammo in Trials after winning a round, and my teammate jumped on top of me, and launched me into oblivion somehow. Stuff like that can keep me entertained, but it's so far and few between that it's not worth really getting into. I love the raids, even the old ones for all you newfags who think doing the old raids is boring. KF is especially fun because now you really do need a fireteam in order to beat it. You can't solo it like the other two raids. And that brings me to my next point. The year one raids and prison of elders are fun, but what good are they now? Skolas can be solo'd, I did it this morning. VoG and CE are so easy now, I can kill Crota on Hard with just one sword. Atheon is roughly the same. With four people, we only went through the portals twice. You have what no other game developer has at their disposal. You have an imaginative and interactive fanbase. We all have ideas on what to do with the raids, but for some reason, no one ever reaches out to us. Come on, Bungie. We all have a base level of 40 now, so the old raids are there just to make us laugh now. And to be honest, if I designed a raid like those two, and they suddenly got pushed to curb because of the next shiny thing, I might go postal. Countless hours of work and coding and programming and debugging. All to be seen by the players as "meh, that raid's boring". tl;dr Bungie, we are here for you. Don't shut us out. We want this game to be the best it can be. To be what we know it can be. Throw some reasons our way why something that was supposed to be there, isn't. Why you are just NOW getting around to the PVP situation. And while we're at it, Sunbreakers need to shill the -blam!- out with that hammer. I mean, you nerfed quiver in a day, but we have to wait for a patch for something to MAYBE be done to Sunbreakers? Face it, you shafted hunters hard with TTK, and while lube would have been nice at least, you basically said "-blam!- NO". So there. That's the feedback I have after one year of playing the game.

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