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Изменено (PROjekt ANOMALY): 11/27/2015 1:07:07 AM

Use as many Exotics as You Want!

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Don't Like the Idea


Hey everyone I'm PROjekt ANOMALY and I've been a Destiny player on Xbox One since the beta. I just was think about what Bungie could do to make the game more challenging and just give us something more to do and I've come up with an idea for a new activity. This new activity would be a weekly reset type activity along the lines of nightfall, PoE and raids. The difficulty would be beefed up above nightfall somewhere between PoE was and Raid level. You could only complete the activity once per week on each character for rewards and you would be allowed to use as many exotic weapons and armor as you wished. In orbit you could only have the one weapon and one armor max equipped but after you landed in the activity you could equip as many of either as you so desired. Then at the end of the activity you wouldn't get kicked to orbit; instead it would be like a raid where you have to manually go to orbit. But, the game wouldn't allow you to return to orbit until the extra exotics were unequipped. This way there wouldn't be any game breaking bugs going on that allowed you to have multiple exotics on elsewhere. Let me know what you guys think in the polls and comments and if you like this idea bump this thread. Also if you want to here more of my ideas and take part in the philosophical destiny discussions my clan mates have come check me out live at

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