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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/29/2015 8:23:35 PM

TTK maps are shit

I was under the impression that in TTK, camping would be near impossible. I also thought that the possibility of getting put into a match that was in progress was going to be lower. I also thought that the possibility of repeat maps would be smaller. 3 things promised in TTK, and 3 things still not delivered. First off, camping is still as prevalent as it ever was. A whole team will post up at every spawn point, and just shotgun people spawning in, in order to activate the mercy rule. No one can play, no one can get anything in the most screwed up loot system I've ever seen. If we weren't joining matches already in progress everytime, then it wouldn't be so much of an issue. I don't mind losing every now and then, but now all the time. And when players are reported for abusing the system, what does Bungie do? They take a vacation. But that's not even all. Just now, I played Vertigo 6 times in a row. It's almost as if Bungie was trying to send a message. Well whatever. That's not the problem though. The problem is that they actually had to design a playlist centered around year one maps and modes. That shouldn't even exist. Year one maps should be just as high a possibility as year two maps. It shouldn't only be Vertigo and Section 618. Last week those were the only maps I played on. It's horseshit to think I could have had a chance at any other map. The main issue is that the year two maps seem to be designed for camping. In every year two map, there is a spot where a few people can post up, making it really easy for them to get kills, and really hard for people to kill them. Take the Burning Shrine from year one for example. Any team in Trials that got the outside spawn could use the sun to blind the other team, making their chances at winning higher. Now, it seems all year two maps have something like that. tl;dr fix your goddamn levels, Bungie, and stop trying to intentionally piss off the people you rely on to have a job.

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