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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Ectogasm): 11/13/2015 8:42:01 PM

CPU Guardians Yay or Nay? [Poll]





Could work if they put on a few touches.


So I got to thinking that Destiny should have computer players, not for crucible if someone leaves (maybe) but as a practice kind of thing. Or maybe help for missions people find too hard.(Not for raids though). But personally to me it would put some kind of life into the Destiny game ironically in my opinion. But I would love to see any kind of bots in strikes when a person leaves (because we've all been victim to that). Cause to me no one joins my Fireteam in strikes later on in it. I don't know it's just a consideration but I want to hear it from you guys and if this posts gets semi-famous I'll edit and keep posting ideas of what kind of things they could be used for.

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