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10/31/2015 8:27:55 PM

How do y'all feel about Yung Lean?

So I heard about this guy for the first time like two weeks ago, and I honestly cannot tell you why I like his music so much. I'm usually a big fan of lyricism in rap, but this cloudrap vapor wave "sad boys" movement is...interesting to say the least. One thing I think that should be noted is that he is purposely off timing by a little and the drowned out auto-tune effect creating a "tippy" vibe seems to be purposed at making the lyrics as a part of the instrumentation, rather than strictly being a rap and a beat, it's more of an intertwined entity. So I just want to gauge how you guys like/dislike this music. One thing that I think is undeniable is the amazing production by Yung Gud.

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