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Изменено (Tomi): 1/1/2016 9:58:13 PM

Three Of Coins Nerfed Too Much

I support this statement


I don't support this statement and like the patch


Bungie, please fix this asap. This is -blam!-ing ridiculous. I grinded hours upon hours of gameplay trying to fit this weeks schedule around my gameplay to be able to get exotics. I was able to get enough strange coins to purchase enough three of coins so I could try for exotics 30 times. Out of 30 tries, I only got 2 exotic engrams. THIS IS RIDICULOUS BUNGIE. It says that the Three Of Coins is a "Stackable" item, yet whether I try 1, 2, or 5 coins in a single try, it doesn't give me any better chances. It pissed me off enough that I almost threw my controller at my TV. There isn't even any proof that it is stacking for better odds. I just spend 30 tries in getting exotics, and only got 2 engrams. This really is -blam!-ing ridiculous. Please do something. What would be good is maybe you could have the coins set to a setting where it has the internal cooldown of 15 minutes, but still has the probability setting that it did during the week it first launched. Never before has Destiny severely pissed me off this much. This game is starting to be shown as a waste of my time, and money. Everyone doesn't even like to go the nightfall anymore because they can just do a strike, and get better rewards. What happened Bungie? This game used to be fun.

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