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Изменено (Cturtlesoup ): 1/27/2016 3:58:41 PM

PS4- The Matriarchs (PCoG) are looking for Mothers and Ladies with which to game.

Ladies do you have a need for action? No not that type of action... that is what has you losing sleep and made it so you cant wear last summers bathing suit. I'm talking about Alien head popping, Crota stomping, Vog Running, King Falling Destiny action. If so please consider this little startup clan brought to you from the PCoG (Patriarch Community of Gamers). We are few in number now, but have a wide network (PCoG) to allow plenty of gamers with which to play. Our PCoG brand is currently working on a website which will facilitate our expansion into other games and platforms. Our desire is not just a group that plays a game, but a group that can become friends and develop permanent bonds. Clans are not about a game... they are PEOPLE who happen to enjoy gaming. Please consider us. The Matriarchs -

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