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Изменено (Joyaboi): 2/7/2016 3:14:04 PM

Rant About Things That Piss You Off

"...Use your aggressive feelings boy let the hate flow through you..." ~Emperor Palpatine Thats right I'm talking to you shitty parents who takes their kids to the movies and threatens to spank them even though it was not their choice to go to the movies in the first place. I just want to watch the -blam!-ing movie and it is -blam!-ing rated pg-13 so what did you -blam!-ing expect bringing your 4 year old kid to it? People like you disgust me. I paid 14 -blam!-ing dollars to see Star Wars and I have waited years to see it and I can't hear it because apparently 4 year olds do not enjoy watching someone get stabbed through the chest with a lightsaber. Who -blam!-ing knew?! [spoiler]Your turn[/spoiler]

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