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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (ARCANE2627): 2/14/2016 2:01:36 AM

Faction Wars: Live event proposal.

First off I'm not claiming this as my idea, I simply want to expand on one that was already put forward. I love the idea of a Faction Wars event as suggested in the most recent Planet Destiny podcast (#57). How about using such an event to help overcome a major hurdle many people, especially those who cut their teeth on year 2, have experienced? The issue of gaining faction reputation. I've been playing since the open beta & I've still only reached rank 17 with Dead Orbit. As such it's unlikely I'll ever earn the exotic class item you get the quest for at rank 25. A Faction Wars event would be a perfect way to get your faction rank up. Perhaps even on multiple characters. Just have it focus on gaining faction rep, maybe throw in some bounties you can pick up from your faction leader for an extra rep boost & add a modifier for every item of faction gear you have equipped. Armour, weapons, shader, class items & emblems could give you a 5-10% rep boost each. Make it more accessible by disabling level advantages so you don't have to worry about the light level of your armour & weapons & maybe an exclusive reward like an exotic faction specific ghost shell earned by completing a Faction Wars quest for your faction leader. Even without the ghost shell I'd personally play an event like that until all three of my characters were rank 25 or near as possible. You could even have it extend to all available crucible modes including Trials so that you can get involved no matter what your favourite pvp game type. How many people would be interested in something like this?

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