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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:Providence Ideas
Изменено (mannagement): 2/15/2016 11:41:43 PM

=The Taikonaut Shorts #2=

"I can't believe she's dead..." Sasha stood over a grave in a black dress. She leaned on Harrol. "There... there were so many pineapples..." Ralph said, cupping his face in his hands. "It was like a setup..." "I wish I could've done something... I wish I was there..." Sasha wiped away tears. "She died so undignified..." "There was nothing you could have done. That Orangutan... was not willing to cooperate." Harrol muttered to Sasha. They stood over a Grave labelled "Suzanne 'Deuce' Yor". |======================| "Here, we stand before a Guardian whose true intentions were always pure. Even though her skin was not ordinary, we still cherished her presence...." The Speaker continued to honour Zara's life. From the rooftops, a black figure loomed above with a scarf flowing behind him. It chuckled. [i]She is a mighty trickster, that one.[/i] In the back, a drunk hunter rocked back and forth, his purple, white tiger-lined cloak flowing behind him. He held a modified Hard Light beside him, it's ammo core pulsating with colours. "How the hell did I get here?" The hunter looked around. "What's at the front? Is there a lewd scene?" He began throwing glimmer to the front. "Ow!" Ralph said, his head being hit with a cube. |======================| An hour later, after everyone had left, Sasha was still there. She placed a lone black rose on her grave. All of a sudden, a hand rose from the ground. "WHAT THE FUGGING SHIT!" Sasha fell backwards, ruining her dress. After a few seconds, Zara was now fully above ground, and wiping off dirt. She stretched. "The only good way to get out of a dentist appointment is to fake your death." Zara placed her hands at her hips. Sasha tackled her and began shaking her. "DAMMIT, ZARA, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Zara blinked away. "Hey, it's either this or getting fillings." Sasha's hair was on fire. "EVERYBODY THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! I CRIED OVER YOU!" "Really? Aw, that's adorable!" Zara held her heart. "Where- where did you even get that zebraffe? HOW DID YOU BREED IT?" Sasha's dress was beginning to burn. "Trade secrets!" Zara taunted her finger. |===[i]Around the city, we see new characters...[/i]===| From the ledge above, the entity known as Pan watched them converse. [i]I've seen this so many times. An unlikely duo, closer bound than anyone.[/i] The figure's robes were blown by the wind. It turned invisible. [i]They will one day save the entire solar system.[/i] It turned around and jumped off the tower. He landed on a rooftop without a sound. [i]They just do not know it yet.[/i] |======================| Rich "Overjazz" Kernkill was in a city club. His white tiger-lined cloak flowed behind him off his chair. He threw a few boxes of glimmer at the woman in front of him. She winced at the blue boxes hitting her, but kept dancing, nonetheless. The palm of Rich's glove was pulsating with colours, almost a moving tie-dye. "Haha, now take it off-" |======================| Rich was thrown out of the bar and onto the street. "I'll make sure you never- I'll never- here... again..." Rich passed out. |======================| Welp, end of short #2! How'd all you guys like it?

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