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2/19/2016 11:35:53 PM

Get Rid of the Playstation Content!

I love the PS content!


I hate the PS content!


I'm fine with the PS content, but I want more.


Let me start this off by saying I'm not an Xbox fanboy. I've got nothing against PlayStation or PlayStation users. My beef is with the PS Exclusive content, but not for the reasons you might think. [b]I hate the PS Exclusive content because it's God-awful TRASH![/b] Let's break down what this content is. For [b]PvE[/b], we have two strikes, both terrible. The Dust Palace sucks. It's nothing more than a series of Ghost-defense areas with no checkpoints, followed up by a boring boss battle, which is essentially just killing three Psion ultras. This strike is everything players hated about Year One strikes. The Undying Mind sucks. It's a Ghost-defense section followed by a plethora of Majors. It's a slow grind through infinite enemies with no variation, to a recycled boss. But this time, he has three shields! Wow! Also, the level design is garbage. Aesthetics over function seems to be a problem with the majority of Destiny's content. Oh, and spamming us with Taken enemies doesn't make your content new. It just makes us tired of Taken. For [b]PvP[/b], we have two maps, both terrible. Exodus Blue sucks. It's too tight in some areas and too open in others. It's not symmetrical, has a terrible flow, and half the map is useless due to it being out of the way of regular combat. (I'm talking about the back part of the map that nobody ever goes to.) It's too small for 6v6, yet the buildings are too campy for 3v3 or objective gametypes. It feels like someone just threw a bunch of debris at a scrapped Twilight Gap map, and called it a day. Timekeeper sucks. It's a shotgun paradise, with the majority of the map being way too claustrophobic. Once again, it's too damn small for 6v6, and too close-quarters for objective. The entire outside area of the map is too open with little to no cover, or even anything there, while the inside of the map is too close-quarters for anything but a shotgun. It's not symmetrical, has no balance, a terrible flow, no use of verticality, and an extremely unfair heavy ammo spawn. It's the same problem over and over again. These maps are designed purely aesthetically, with no though towards competitive play or even basic gameplay balance. "[i]But why so mad, Nemesis?[/i]", I hear you asking. "[i]What's your beef with PlayStation having garbage content[/i]?" The problem lies in the fact that this crap came to Xbox, and since it's "new" content, it's prioritized in the cycle. [b]Seriously, has anyone recently played non-DLC content? [/b] This is all I ever play. For PvE, it's either... The Super Shield Bros, The Dank Blade, The Big-ass Shank, The Moldy Hydra, (PS Exclusive) The Three Psion Stooges, (PS Exclusive) and the occasional Robo-Taniks or Cabal machine gun guy, all "remastered" with annoying Taken. Lots of Taken. For PvP, it's no different. Always the "new" maps, never the old ones. The selection pool is so small, with extremely little variety. It's always the same crap over and over again, and it's not like the new content is any better than the old stuff, it's all mediocre. If I'm going to be playing mediocre content, at least give me some variety. There's a reason everyone says The Taken King has no content. It's because you didn't add content to the existing pool, you swapped it out. Replacing the old content with the new content created an extremely small selection, since The Taken King was smaller than Year One. Everyone likes new stuff, but that doesn't mean they suddenly hate the old stuff, and Bungie's over use of the Taken King's content means that too is now old content. We've grown tired of the new toys, and we want our old toys back. It's not unreasonable to ask for more content, but I'm no idiot, it takes time to make new things. However, the community wants more now. Not in months, not years, now. Destiny is growing stale, just bring out the old content to freshen it up. Increase the selection pool and players won't feel like they're playing the same shite over and over again. Destiny has in total, 10 Strikes, 45 Story Missions, 25 Crucible Maps, 3 Raids, and Prison of Elders. So why limit player activities to a small percentage? The Taken King came out half a year ago. Time for something else.

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