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Изменено (Stallcall): 3/9/2016 10:29:22 PM

Would you roast me?

You wouldn't [i]believe[/i] how dull it gets while waiting for my Chem 1112 lecture to begin. I figure the best way to entertain myself will be to let the depraved, sadistic jackals from OffTopic roast me. If I posted a few pictures of myself (posted a few already, but they're long buried by the selfies of a certain banned feminist), and gave some context, would you roast me? I could use a few hours' worth of reading material to hold me over for a week or so, and I could use a reality check as well. Would you roast me? Edit: I didn't intend for this to be the actual thread, but I've been hit below the belt a few times already, so I'll roll with it. If it keeps up, I'll put up a pic, and maybe add more if the jokes are brutal/funny enough.

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