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3/12/2016 8:46:37 PM

trials frozen screen

it's about time I give up. bungie you still have a whole lot to fix about trials and connection errors you are having. my team will every one and a while get hit with error code: pumpkin and my entire screen will freeze up and all I can only see is the previous round and someone's red or blue orb and the screen would be distorted. and the only way to et out of it is too turn off my Xbox. since I was 7-0 I lost a mercy but not that it matters because I can easily go flawless. it's just the point that you come out with a hot fix to clean up all bad connection in multiplayer but there's still a lot of issues. FIX YOUR GAME DEEJ DONT TELL EVERYONE THE PROBLEM IS GETRING FIXED OR CURRENTLY GETTING LOOKED INTO. WE ALL KNOW YOU GUYS DONT DO NOTHING BUT POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA AMD TALK ABOUT THE GOOD IN THIS GAME. WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ERROR CODES THAT EVERYONE STILL GETS? this is b.s. I paid twice of what I was suppose to pay for this game and now I'm getting robbed of my money because I can let play the game I payed for, two times in a row.

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