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3/24/2016 9:45:31 AM

Batman v Superman... The DC Film Curse Lives On...

Just got back from an employee screening of Batman v Superman... Don't worry I won't spoil it for those that want to see it. I will say my piece though. It was an incoherent mess. A solid 5/10. There is too much going on and the film fails to stay focused on one thing for too long. Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot do manage to put to rest the arguments of whether or not they'd be good as Batman and Wonder Woman. They were fantastic. It's Henry Cavill and Jesse Eisenberg who fail to perform. Cavill is still just as meh as he was in Man of Steel and Eisenberg is just as shitty as we all knew he would be. Gal Gadot absolutely steals the 3rd act. And special props to Jeremy Irons for his portray of Alfred. It was pretty good. It's just the story. It's horrible. And Doomsday... *shutters* But don't let me influence you. See for yourself. In my opinion it is shit. Which is extremely depressing because Batman is my 2nd favorite Superhero and I was really hoping this film would be better.

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