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1/22/2016 8:58:22 PM

Bungie...transmogrification [PETITION]





Don't really care


Poll Question: "Would you like to see transmogrification, or some form of vanity slot come to Destiny in the near future?" If not, comment down below why not. If there is one thing I could have in Destiny 2 it would be transmogrification. If you don't know what that is, it's basically it's that you have a piece of armor equipped, say for example the Kingsfall Raid Helmet, but instead of looking like the Raid helmet it would look like say for example the Vanguard Helmet or Vault of Glass Helmet. It would still have the same perks and everything but it would only LOOK like something else. In the Taken King DLC I have literally lost a few light levels for the SOLE reason that I infuse a cool looking armor piece up but I can't do it all the way. That's how much I want transmog. There's a reason in House of Wolves you say people wearing VoG and Crota's End armor. People want transmog. an alternative could be a vanity slot, I would be fine with that and I'm sure a lot of people would too. When I heard class items now had light my heart was broken, I had to leave my favorite cloak of ALL TIME behind ever since I'd gotten it back in late Vanilla Destiny I NEVER wore any cloak ever again unless it was a faction cloak. If you're wondering what that cloak was it was the Shattered Vault Cloak. Now I don't mean to sound all "woe is me" in this post but I'm just trying to get a point across. So, if you would like to see transmogrification come to Destiny.......upvote? don't use forums that much so I don't know what it's called but do whatever to make sure Bungie sees this. Thank you for your time, and have a great day! :)

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