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Изменено (ARCANE2627): 4/19/2016 12:17:59 AM

Petition to rename Tower Postmaster Kadi 55-31.

Ok, early year 1 Destineers know that Bungie love a good in-joke. Many year 1 players remember the original loot cave in the Cosmodromes Skywatch sector which was the communities answer to the problem of the awful RNG from the cryptarch which caused 99% of legendary & exotic engrams producing green or blue weapons, the significance of the pile of Hive bones that can still be found there today & the disembodied voice that whispers "A million deaths are not enough for Rahool" which is almost certainly a reference to a line from the sci-fi epic Dune. Year 2 players don't have any such in-jokes yet & I've heard a few ask about the aforementioned pile of bones which, as a grizzled veteran Guardian, I've been more than happy to explain. In light of the recent update I'm suggesting we give the year 2 players their own in-joke to share with the next generation of Kinderguardians. The tale of the April update, the hundreds of Sterling Treasures that got "lost" in the post & how the day before the weekly reset they were all found & returned to their owners. I'm suggesting that we petition Bungie to rename the Tower Postmaster from Kadi 55-30 to Kadi 55-31 to show the frame was caught with it's robotic appendage in the till & how it was quietly & discreetly led away, had it's memory wiped, was reprogrammed & put back with all its ill-gotten gains successfully redistributed to their rightful owners. Who's with me? Lastly many thanks to those responsible for fixing the issue so quickly, your tireless work & diligence is greatly appreciated.

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