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Изменено (mannagement): 4/6/2016 2:08:08 AM

=The Taikonaut, Chapter 15=

Welcome… to chapter 15! Last chapter was on Zebra’s account, so…. you may not have seen it. We’ll link it. Management’s Fanfic: Zebra’s Chapter Index: Chapter 28[?]: |======================| The Exo’s eyes clicked a bright orange. “What do you mean, ‘I remember’? I have no clue who you are!” Myra lashed out, to no avail. Sasha dropped Myra on her back. She looked over at Zara. “Are you sure her name is Myroni-213?” Sasha grabbed her hands. “Are you positive?” Zara had just noticed that Sasha’s hair was frosting over. “Yes! Of course it is! R- right, Myra?” Zara pulled her hands away. “Well, yeah, it’s not like I don’t know my own name.” Her eyes clicked back to green. “Well, maybe I don’t, but I was wakened with just my name in my banks.” She chuckled a little. “I don’t even remember where I was ressurected.” “Gagh!” Sasha grunted. “I need to go back home and [i]think[/i]!” Sasha put her helmet on and used her jump pack to fly to the top of the tower. Zara helped Myra up. “Sorry about that, I have no idea what’s up with her.” “It’s okay.” Myra’s eyes turned to red. “She’ll come back.” |======================| Sasha sat at the end of her bed. “I knew it…” She mumbled to herself. “I knew Zara was too familiar.” Sasha grabbed her helmet and plugged it into the TV. “C’mon, where are you…” Sasha scrolled through her camera files, all separated by day, month, and year. Sasha came upon a file. April 6th, 2205. Roughly 5 years after she was ressurected. Oh, yes. The frontier days. No tower, no safe zone, the first waves of fallen everywhere. Sasha only wore air-tight combat skin back then, no armor had been mass produced yet. You were lucky to have a helmet. She had a Tex Mechanica auto rifle, and a worthless glock she found in a ruined house. Rarely did any guardians have a ship, but she did. Being resurrected on the moon helped. She hit play. |======================| Sasha walked along a dusty, worn trail in Old Spain. She hummed a soft tune and had her sun mask up. Her black hair glistened in the reflection, sweat forging valleys into her dust-coated cheeks. Despite the heat, she kept walking. A few miles away, Sasha started to deviate from the trail. Her Ghost was starting to get aggravated, anxious to stick to the path. “Guardian!” Her Ghost appeared and floated in front of her. “You know we need to survey the area. Fallen could be out here!” “Pfft, whatever, Ghost.” Sasha waved him away. “Fallen are rare as all hell. It’s not like we’ll be meeting any of them.” She wiped her forehead. “Right next to water… pigs will fly when I find an oasis.” |======================| Sasha recanted the winged boars she met on Venus. “Goddamn, I was dumb as a brick back then.” Sasha twiddled her fingers and chuckled softly. “Hot but dead, that was what I was back then.” |======================| Sasha had set her armour and weapons on a nearby boulder as she took a swim in the Lake of Banyoles. The surrounding houses were mere piles of rubble, uninhabited for around a decade. Her ghost looked on in pissy anger. “GUARDIAN!” He yelled. Sasha splashed some water on her face. “What is it?” He whizzed around in circles, angry. “We need to get on our way if we wish to survey the area! This is not helping the human race!” “Ghost, we’ve been walking for two weeks.” Sasha dove underwater and then resurfaced. “I really needed a bath.” “...fine.” Her Ghost disappeared in a flash of blue. It spoke in her head. “You really are stubborn.” “Yeah, well, get used to it. You’re stuck with me.” Sasha got out of the water and dried herself off with a towel she transmat from her ship. It arrived with a hole in it, but transmat was only just found by the Guardians. After she had dried off, she put her armor back on. She picked her helmet up and looked at the reflection. Golden and beautiful, the sun’s rays shined off it and into her eyes. She glanced away, and then looked back. There was something in the corner. There was a child. |======================| Sasha’s eyes widened and she looked back. “H- Hey!” The young child, no more than 10, looked up from the water she was drinking from, saw Sasha, and ran away. “You get back here!” Sasha put her helmet on and started to chase her. The child, about 7 years old upon closer inspection, was nearing the underbrush. “Hey! Stay away from there!” The child dove into the forest. Sasha followed. “Hey! Ow-- get over her-” Sasha tripped over a loose root. She tumbled down a hill, hitting multiple rocks on her way. When she reached the bottom with a thud, the child was nowhere to be seen. Well, not seen, but heard. Sasha, her leg feeling a bit sore, got up and walked over to the giggling. She peeled some vines away from a perfectly concealed opening, revealing a small cave. “Eehehe…” The little blue-skinned toddler was giggling uncontrollably.. She pointed at Sasha. “Y- you fell down that hill wike a swilly!” Sasha looked at the young girl. Her skin was very pale, almost white. The blue veins pulsing… whatever powered awoken stuck out. She had dark blue hair, fell down her shoulders and back. Sasha pulled the girl from the crevice. She… was to say the least, unhappy. She began to flail her arms, lash out at Sasha, and kick. Much, to no avail. “Let go of me, you bincth!” The toddler screamed in rage. Sasha took surprise at this. “Where did you learn [i]that[/i]?” The child grunted and continued her attempts. Sasha held her tight. “Hey, hey-- I’m not gonna hurt you…” Sasha loosely grabbed her hands, her’s swallowing the child’s. The girl began to calm, her eyes still stamped shut tightly. She grunted. “Mommy said not to talk to strangers!” “Where--” Sasha scanned the forest. “Where is your Mommy?” Sasha noticed a silver cross around her neck. It had a red gem in the centre. The child quit struggling and clutched the necklace, it barely fitting in her hands. Her head hung low. “Mommy...” The child started to sniffle. Sasha felt a wave of sorrow. “Oh.” The child’s eyes began to water. “It’s bween awhile since I’ve seen someone.” Sasha placed her index finger under the girl’s chin. She raised it. “What’s your name?” Sasha left her hand on her cheek. “Suzy.” The girl wiped away tears. “Look- I’ll help you get someplace safe, alright?” Sasha looked at the child’s eyelids. “You will?” The child opened her eyes. They were a fiery red. |======================| Sasha paused the video. Her eyes were wide as dinner plates. She got up to get a closer view of the screen, and studied every detail of the child’s face. “[i]Suzy.[/i]” Sasha gently touched the screen, and let her hand glide down it. Sasha sat back down on the edge of her bed, and muttered the name again. “[i]Suzy.[/i]” Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the front foyer as Jaik hissed and laid back down. “SASHA!? WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THAT!?” Zara stormed into the room. “MYRA IS MY FRIEND AND YOU JUST [i]TREAT[/i] HER LIiiiike…. that…” Zara had noticed what Sasha’s eyes were looking at. Zara ran to the screen. “What the hell is this?!” Zara looked at Sasha. “What is this?” “A video log. From around 495 years ago.” Sasha’s eyes were watering. “I was only just awoken…” Zara stared with unmoving eyes at the paused image in disbelief. With shaking hands, she pulled out a battered and worn silver cross from under her armor. “I guess you were as well.” Sasha got up and placed a hand on the shocked Taken’s shoulder. “[i]Suzy.[/i]” |======================| //Program End Chapter 16:

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