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Изменено (chainsaw1975): 6/11/2016 6:20:24 AM

Guardian Down :(

The Destiny community has lost another Guardian needlessly this past week. Tragically this past week (June 8th 2016), one of our clan members, and a personal friend for 20+ years was lost due to an avoidable accident. My friend, and fellow guardian, Jason McDonald was hit and ultimately had his life taken by a lady driving a truck while training on his bicycle in Arkansas. Jason (aka Zesty Canuck on Destiny [url][/url] ) was an amazing dad, husband, friend, and brilliant programmer. Many lives have been touched by this unfortunate turn of events. He leaves behind a wife, step daughter, and 2 young sons (not including a very large circle of friends and co-workers) mourning his loss. Jason is the kind of guy that could charm any room with his sense of humour, and has been greatly missed these past few days by our clan, his family & friends, and all that knew him, since his untimely passing. It just doesn't seem right logging into destiny and not having Zesty around. Everything he did was for his family and kids. He was an avid cyclist (road and trail),soccer player, coder/programmer, A lover of life, and hockey player, who brought his love of hockey to the Jonesboro area, and in doing so, got many others who never laced up the skates before to join him on the ice when he moved from Nova Scotia, Canada. There is a gofundme page set up to help his family through this difficult time. Any small donation would be greatly appreciated at this time of need. May we game again my friend, when we meet up on the other side. Still in shock and disbelief of these events, Your old Canadian Pal, Chainsaw Link to the gofundme page: [url][/url] Link to the news article of the accident: [url][/url]

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  • I met Zesty when I was in another clan on destiny and eventually joined this one. Once I found out he was a programmer we spent many times boaring our friends talking about code in our clan chat. I was just starting with the stuff and he was pretty brilliant with it. We would share good practices about coding while playing destiny when we were supposed to be focusing on our current raid situation. In the time I knew him we became close friends in no time and he will be greatly missed. We usually hold a clan meet up each time there is a big release in Destiny so since he ran warlock as his main I'll run warlock on our "Rise of Iron" meet up in September. In life you meet and become close with some interesting people with interesting view points, but when you run across someone who becomes a friend and mentor it sucks when "guardian down" is the situation.

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