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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/4/2016 9:08:00 PM

Teabagging needs nerf

Teabagging is a powerful ability that has no cost/charge at all and can be used pretty much infinitely. It is in serious need of a nerf and here are some suggestions: -Crouching in rapid succession delays sprint recovery time. -Crouching and uncrouching on a friendly downed guardian increases respawn timer by 2 seconds. -Pressing the crouch button too many times in succession will turn on sticky keys. -Teabagging on the vanguard table increases Eris Morn's rock's opacity by 10% per cycle. -Teabagging in PoE causes Variks to get annoyed. Stacks with Varik's impatience. -Cabal harvesters on Firebase Delphi become aggressive towards teabaggers. -Teabagging as an exo causes your testicles to become organic and susceptible to flood infection.

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