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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Dracoblazer17): 7/6/2016 2:11:58 AM

Exo Stranger and the Traveler

Since the announcement of RoI I've been doing a lot searching through Destiny lore. Looking around for what's out there about what's all happened so far. Recently I've been looking around for what we know about the traveler, and there were some good stuff there. While playing through the original story line though I had a strange thought pop into my head. It was while I was talking to the Exo Stranger on Venus. She talked about not being born of the light.[quote]ive seen terrible things born out in the darkness.[/quote] To me this seems a little odd, especially since she's an Exo, which were created on earth. How could she have seen what was created? Unless she's from pre-collapse there's little else the stranger could be if not the traveler. (This is still a work in progress but I'd like to hear if anybody has some ideas)

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