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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (The Swza): 2/15/2016 8:26:04 AM

Ice Breaker exploit in Trials is for SCRUBS.

DON'T FRONT, NO ONE WAS USING IT IN TRIALS A WEEK AGO NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN IT'S A VIABLE OPTION? NO, IT'S BECAUSE THEY TOOK YOUR PRECIOUS SPECIAL AMMO. If you're doing this you're pathetic. It happened in my first game of Trials this weekend. All 3 had Icebreakers then switched to their 1000 yards later. The game's been changed for a reason, play it the way it's meant to be played now. Go ahead and disagree. I won't care. You ladyboys always gotta find an exploit to get cheap kills instead of playing the game right. If you NEED sniper ammo that bad to get a kill then there's more wrong with you than just being a coward in a fake fight.

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