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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:Creating Our Own Destiny
7/11/2016 1:31:08 PM

Disregard Unsavory Females, Acquire Calcified Fragments

For those that are still finding all fifty Calcified Fragments, here are some helpful online tools; you can use either one. You start by entering your Xbox Live/PS4 Account to get started, and it will scan your info and return what fragments are needed on each character, much like checking your progress under "My Legend" in your profile. However, these also include links to YouTube walkthroughs and FAQs to guide you to your missing fragments. Destiny Ghost Hunter: Destiny Calcified Fragments: Left this "public" so that our allied clans can see this as well. Cheers! COOD Admin, ObserverPattern

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