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Изменено (Legend To None): 7/18/2016 5:11:12 PM

How Halo 2 and Halo 5 Project Mexican Culture

Halo 2, most of the marines are mexican, even have mexican voice actors to prove it. 1. [i]Location,Location, Location[/i]: New Mombasa is the city in Halo 2, but as you may not have noticed, the town or location was never referenced. No one said "Were in New Mombasa!" throughout the campaign. All we see is sand and palm trees with shanty buildings. My theory is when Bungie was developing the Halo 2, the devs were thinknig of mexico, but then perhaps after the books came out they figured Africa was more interesting. Didnt change the level or marines. The only opposing argument brought up by [u]Wahine[/u], is Mount Killamanjaro in the background, yet that is a skybox, those can be changed in development. Multiplayer maps were made after campagin so Headlong is irrelevant. 2: Cosmetics: In Halo 2 Bungie made a spiffed up hog known as The Golden Warthog, just your average early 00 mexican stereotype. Then in Halo 5 beta there was an animation after each match of the spartans celebrating with High fives and fist bumps. This relates to how Mexican culture is heavy on family. The spartans were getting along as family and would help in battle by calling out actual tips and locations of the map. Then of course all the Halo 5 armor has decals and vehicles have decals, another 00 mexican stereotype. Halo 5 also pays tribute to Halo 2. In the campaign of Halo 5 Chief's squad also demonstrates family values such as how Vin Diesel does in Fast and Furious. Chief's squad has faith in him and follow Chief on a stale journey of teleporters. Feel free to dicsuss. [spoiler]If you thought this topic was in anyway racist then you are the problem of today's world. Also anyone who whined and acted up when they were offened in private groups for somehow making Bungie decide to add in Private Message Bans resulting in punks banning people. As if the [b]active[/b] community didn't have enough issues.[/spoiler]

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