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Изменено (Octopus): 7/20/2016 7:16:01 PM

HoJ rep package needs improvement! It's not funny anymore...

As title says, to me, it became a fact, that HoJ rep packages need to be improved! To me, was the 5th time in a row, where the only thing i got was a class item and can't accept that it's said, it's just RNG... If you invest so much time, as you need to do to rank up at HoJ, you need to be rewarded in a much better way! If ppl, me included, already finished their sigil, there's usually no other reason to run CoE anymore, but if ppl still do, in hope to get rewarded and invest so much time, as you not always have a booster too, but even if, still needs time, the reward should not only justify, but also respect the effort! And to me, after spending much time on it, i just came to the point that it simply does not! Sure, there are ppl more lucky than others, but as i'm usually one of the lucky guys too, also usually never complain about RNG, i nevertheless believe that the reward for HoJ is broken! Even the unluckiest guys on planet shouldn't get that kind of annoying loot....especially, as mentioned often before, when you invest so much time into have items drop that Variks already sells and being too often the only drop seems to be flawed! Again, i know it's RNG, but if you simply think that the drop rates are beyond fair, the more as there are so many items, with even more possible rolls, there's something totally wrong! So pls Bungie, take a look into it and even better, improve the loot and drop rate...ppl should feel rewarded, not thinking they waste their time...atm it feels like the drop rate on useful items is lower than 0.000x %, so hopefully we get some changes that respect our time more! thx If anyone else experience the same, pls feel free to express your opinions about it and hopefully have bungie investigating and having a look on i'm thankful for every like/bump to get their attention...thx

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