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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/1/2015 8:02:55 PM

Thorn evolve to Rose?

[spoiler]To those who [b][i][u]DONT[/u][/i][/b] want to have a small bit of grimoire spoiled please don't read. Is it just me or would it be really cool to have a weapon evolution ([i]Much like the Necrochasm[/i]) to be involved with the Thorn Exotic Handcannon? In the grimoire part of destiny thorn has quite an interesting back story. In this story Thorn used to be a Handcannon called Rose but was corrupted by the darkness. Sometime in the future I would like to see the Thorn be able to be "[i]Cleansed[/i]" of its corruption and revert to its former state, Rose. Please tell me what you think in the comments if you want to.[/spoiler]

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