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5/11/2016 3:55:22 AM

Something we've all been wondering since Year-1.

So, um... Not to call attention to the "Golgoroth in the room," so to speak. But, I just thought I'd post this for Deej or Cozmo to see... When, exactly, are we going to fix that annoying bug where we Jump, land and then try to sprint, only for our Guardians to decide, "No, I'm not going to sprint. I'm just going to stroll leisurely through the hail-storm of bullets heading towards me."? I mean, really. I can't count the exact number of times I've heard, "IF MY GUY WOULD SPRINT, THAT'D BE F-ING GREAT!" Or, "C'mon! Sprint! ... SPRINT! SPRINT, PLEASE!! FINAL-- AND I'M DEAD. AWESOME." Or even, "Trying to sprint, trying to sprint-- WHAT THE -blam!-?? COME ON!!" It's been such a persistent problem that I'm surprised it hasn't been called to attention sooner.

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  • Изменено (iDovahBear): 5/12/2016 4:11:17 AM
    Not to mention the screen wobble when you land is getting ridiculous. I jumped at a Sunbreaker on Asylum from the top mid room down towards the middle area, just outside the Atrium. I literally challenged the fool because I knew his hammer tossing game wasn't on point, he'd already thrown like three and missed. And I literally would've killed him with only melee if the game hadn't been retarded. I got my first melee to hit just before landing... ...And as soon as I landed, my Guardian developed tourettes like I've never seen before. He just started whigging out and refusing to keep my screen stable, and basically I whiffed the second melee because my Guardian couldn't handle a five-ten foot fall. I mean, I literally used the other Titan to break my fall by punching him. Logic aside, the in-game display suggests my downward momentum was mitigated by the lunge. So... why did falling all of five feet give my Guardian tourettes? I don't see why this is a thing. I still won the Trials Run, but not only was it utter bullshit, but I really deserved that moment. If someone is ballsy enough to challenge something, petty physics gimmicks shouldn't be such a limitation. I mean, it'd be one thing if the Field of View was half decent. Then all that shaking wouldn't have meant shit, the Titan would've still been on my screen. But between falling and developing tourettes, he managed to wiggle out of frame for long enough for my melee to whiff. P.S. If I was a Warluck, I would've guaranteed got the EZ Mode Lunge Assist. #FeelsBadMan.

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