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Изменено (Moon Made Waves): 8/11/2016 12:09:20 PM

Justice Department: Baltimore Police violated civil rights

[b]-One African-American man in his 50s was stopped 30 times in less than four years; none of the stops resulted in a citation or criminal charge[/b] Can we put this argument to bed now? As it turns out, systemic racism in policing was and still is a thing. [i][b]***edit:[/b]since none of you could be bothered to read the actual article or the report and keep focusing on the 1 excerpt out of the report I provided as if that and only that was the basis of the report here are more excerpts: [/i] [b]- Officers "publicly strip-searched a woman following a routine traffic stop for a missing headlight." They even searched the woman's anal cavity. They found nothing.[/b] [b]- A black officer with a reputation for speaking out over misconduct was harassed by a supervisor, who placed signs warning him to “stay in your lane” and “mind your own business” on his desk. [/b] [b]- An officer decided not to report a colleague for planting drugs because he feared retaliation.[/b] [b]- The Justice Department found that officers had been accused more than 60 times of using the word “n****r,” but the Baltimore Police Department didn’t classify the language as a racial slur.[/b] **The full report is available for download here:

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