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10/7/2016 9:14:54 PM

The Devourer of Memes *repost*

It is a normal day on [i][url=]Planet Meme[/url][/i], until it gets under attack by an unknown, malevolent force. Join our heros--[url=]Neptune[/url], [url=]Swampfire[/url], [url=]Sans[/url] and [url=]iDubbbz[/url]--as they make new friends and save Planet Meme from the evil beyond. [url=]Oryx, the Taken Meme[/url], who plans to absorb every meme's spicy and turn them into Forced Memes. Our heros try to find the Ultimate Meme so they can finally stop Oryx and his army of Forced Memes once and for all. [spoiler]Would you watch this?[/spoiler]

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