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10/8/2016 11:17:52 PM

Going Digital from Disk

Hello Everyone, I have a question for people out there to see if anyone has gone digital after buying originally on disc. I realize that Activision / Bungie will no longer sell the vanilla game (although I did find it on GameStop's website.. for full retail price of $60 for standalone...vanilla...destiny). I've bought the everything for this game. Destiny, DB, HoW, TTK, RoI. If I bought the TTK Digital collection so I'd get the original game digitally, would this continue to work with my already purchased Rise of Iron? I'd hate to spend another $20 on this damn game but I'd rather not pop my disc in and out between to different Xbox Ones around my house. I'd also hate to spend another $20 to find out that it's a separate 'game' and won't use my RoI or account characters. Has anyone done this previously and does it work? Thanks

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