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10/3/2016 6:56:39 PM

Why no other uses for Spark of Light?

Already got all chars on level 40 when RoI launched. Got Spark of Light, can't use it, got it sitting in my vault. Can I exchange it for silver dust or something? Maybe faction rep (better be a crap ton)? What about some exotic shards or legendary marks? Seriously, we need to be able to use the spark of light for something, it serves no purpose sitting in my vault, and forcing a glitch to cause it to disappear seems like a terrible waste. Can I use it to boost the light level of my equipped gear (10 points on each item w/o exceeding maximum), like a Mote of Light on steroids? That sounds reasonable, since the current purpose of the item is to allow your character to skip 2 years of content.

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